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Iris Ceramica Group - Bottega in Bloom

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Iris Ceramica Group - Bottega in Bloom

Iris Ceramica Group - Bottega in Bloom

AIA UK chapter sponsor, Iris Ceramica Group, is excited to be taking part in Clerkenwell Design Week in London from 21 to 23 May. Join this special event series at the ICG Gallery in Old Street and the Old Sessions House!

When: Tuesday 21 - Thursday 23 May 2024

Venues: ICG Gallery London, Old Street 61-67, EC1V 9HW

The Old Sessions House, Room 4, 23 Clerkenwell Grn, EC1R 0NA


For the occasion, Iris Ceramica Group presents “Bottega in Bloom”, an original format of events and workshops reflecting on circularity and the role of art in transforming and giving new meaning to waste materials.

Artistic traditions, craftsmanship and innovation inspire the “Bottega in Bloom” workshops and installations. ICG Gallery London becomes an artistic workshop for experimenting with the transformation and decoration of materials. Visitors are invited to become craftsmen; using creativity and art, they can give new meaning and value to materials taken from processing wastes.

The events and workshops organised for Clerkenwell Design Week pay homage to the Iris Ceramica collection “Bottega d’Arte” – an Iris Ceramica Group brand – red body surfaces with a hand-crafted flavour, an authentic haute couture of ceramics. The terracotta products are created exploring traditional production techniques and manual skills to shed new light on handmade beauty.

Guests are invited to become craftsmen of the ‘bottega’, playing with colours, real flowers, ceramic production waste and other materials to create circular artistic installations brining life to a collective work of art in the ICG Gallery even after the Clerkenwell Design Week.