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AIA UK Movie Night: New England Modernism

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AIA UK Movie Night: New England Modernism

AIA UK Movie Night: New England Modernism

Next up in our popular Movie Night series - a revealing documentary about the architects and designers who shaped modernism in the United States during the 20th century.

Date: Tuesday 11 February 2025
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Venue: BFI Screening Room, 21 Stephen Street, London, W1T 1LN


The United States saw a revolution in popular architectural style between the 1930s and 1970s. American Modernism was originally influenced by the work of European masters including Le Corbusier and Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius. It began to establish a footing in New England in early 1930-32. Early modern structures included the Field House in New Hartford, Connecticut, by William Lescaze, and the Ralph-Barbarin House in Stamford, designed by Le Corbusier protégé Albert Frey.

By the 1940s, the region was a hotbed of modernism. A group of architects — Marcel Breuer, Landis Gores, John Johansen, Philip Johnson, and Eliot Noyes — had settled in New Canaan, Connecticut. Known as the “Harvard Five,” they attracted other modern architects who designed notable Mid-Century modern structures in New England. They included Victor Christ-Janer, Andrew Geller, Alan Goldberg, Carl Koch, John Black Lee, Hugh Smallen ,and Edward Durell Stone. The work produced by these revolutionaries has had lasting international influence.

The story of New England Modernism is one of imagination, creativity and industriousness.

CES Credits: Estimated 1.5 LUs for AIA Members

£3 - Members
£5 - Non-Members

Spaces are limited. Book today!