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Filtering by Tag: Lester Korzilius


Fiona Mckay

Two AIA UK members recently received one of the AIA’s highest distinctions, elevation to Fellowship.

AIA UK past president and current board member, Lester Korzilius, AIA, has been elevated to the College of Fellows for his many years of service to the AIA UK, the International Region, and the Institute. John McAslan, International Assoc. AIA, has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship for his distinguished achievements in design.

The jury noted Lester’s achievements, “Through his international leadership, service to the Institute, mentoring, and education facility practice, Lester Korzilius, AIA, RIBA has led the profession by advancing the influence of the AIA outside the United States, promoting the values of American architectural practice internationally, and helping shape opinions and actions within the United States towards international practice.”  Lester joins five other AIA UK members that are Fellows.  They are, Jim Baker, FAIA, Lee Polisano, FAIA, Stephen Reinke, FAIA, David Leventhal, FAIA and Michael Lischer, FAIA.

John McAslan’s work has been widely published internationally in professional journals, newspapers and monographs, the most recent of which is Transforming King's Cross, a detailed account of his practice's acclaimed and award-winning redevelopment of the station. John's practice's work has been extensively exhibited and has received more than 75 international design awards including 15 RIBA national and international awards.

Lester and John will be inducted into the College of Fellows on May 20th at the AIA's National Convention in Philadelphia.  The AIA UK congratulates them on this important honour!

Author: Michael Lischer

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