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AIA UK Building Tour Series 2024 - Ombú by Foster + Partners

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AIA UK Building Tour Series 2024 - Ombú by Foster + Partners

AIA UK Building Tour Series 2024 - Ombú by Foster + Partners

Image credit: © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

AIA UK’s Building Tour series once again gives us a look inside the exceptional projects which were recognised at the AIA UK 2023 Excellence in Design Awards. We are excited to bring you a mix of live and virtual tours.

When: Thursday 20 June 2024, 18.00
Where: Online
CES Credits - Estimated 1.0 LU/HSW for AIA Members


Join us for a virtual tour of Ombú by Foster + Partners, a winner of the Exemplary Performance In Sustainability award.

Ombú is a transformative office building built for the Spanish infrastructure and energy company ACCIONA. This retrofit project breathes new life into a historic industrial building in Madrid, creating a sustainable exemplar of building reuse and revitalising the surrounding area. With over 10,000 square metres of new office space, the project unifies a unique mix of private and public.