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AIA UK Bike Tour 2024 – Hoo!

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AIA UK Bike Tour 2024 – Hoo!

AIA UK Bike Tour 2024 – Hoo!

St Helen's Church, Cliffe

Our annual bike and sketching tour is back, exploring the architecture of Gravesend, the Hoo Peninsula and Rochester!

When: Saturday 22 June
Start Time: 10:30 from London Bridge station/ 11:30 from Gravesend station
CES credits: Estimated 6 LU for AIA Members


Join us for a fun filled day of cycling, sightseeing and sketching led by Architect Benedict O’Looney.

The bike tour starts in Gravesend, continues to the Hoo Peninsula and ends in Rochester. Sites will include the famous statue of Pocahontas at the historic Parish Church of Gravesend, the remote Hoo peninsula taking in the pretty villages of Cliffe, Cooling and High Halstow. The tour concludes with a visit to Rochester for a look at the famous Rochester Cathedral and Norman Castle.


  • Take the 10:30 am Train from London Bridge to Gravesend.

  • Meet in Gravesend at 11:30 for those not traveling from London

  • Return from Rochester at approx. 6pm

  • We are planning to have a late lunch at a pub in Cliffe. We would advise that you bring water and a couple of snacks.


AIA Members - £3
Non Members - £10

Space is strictly limited. Sign up today!