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AIA UK Building Tour Series 2024 - Saltmarsh House by Niall McLaughlin Architects

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AIA UK Building Tour Series 2024 - Saltmarsh House by Niall McLaughlin Architects

AIA UK Building Tour Series 2024 - Saltmarsh House by Niall McLaughlin Architects

Photo Credit: Nik Eagland

AIA UK’s Building Tour series once again gives us a look inside the exceptional projects which were recognised at the AIA UK 2023 Excellence in Design Awards. This time, we are excited to take you on a virtual tour of Saltmarsh House by Niall McLaughlin Architects, a winner in the Professional - Small Projects category.

When: Thursday 12 September 2024, 18.00
Where: Online
CES Credits - Estimated 1.0 LU/HSW for AIA Members


Alastair Browning, Niall McLaughlin Architects


Join us for a virtual tour of Saltmarsh House by Niall McLaughlin Architects, a house overlooking a tidal salt marsh in the north east of the Isle of Wight.

Conceived as a delicate steel frame that floats above a meadow of wild grasses, the pavilion houses a long dining hall framed by three smaller spaces: a kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom.

The building is organised around a repeating 5m x 5m grid of slender quadripartite columns that frame views and support a lightweight trussed roof structure. This large overhanging roof canopy unites the four volumes and forms a perimeter verandah. The glass wall passes through the centre of each column, revealing the building skeleton to both the inside and the outside.

The metal frame is painted in a rich golden and the roof is lined with copper. Together with the weathered silver deck, these materials reflect the warm hues and cool tones of the surrounding pasture and marshland.