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AIA UK Sustainability Series - Understanding the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard

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AIA UK Sustainability Series - Understanding the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard

AIA UK Sustainability Series - Understanding the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard

Join AIA UK for the latest lunchtime talk in our Sustainability Series - a guide to using the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard.

When: Monday 31 March 2025, 12.30
Where: Online via Zoom
CES Credits - Estimated 1.0 LU/HSW for AIA Members

RIBA Members may count this activity towards their CPD recording requirement.

Speaker: Jess Hrivnak, RIBA Lead on Sustainability


Discover the essential elements of the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard (UKNZCBS), launched in September 2024 to unify the approach to net zero carbon in the built environment. Join us to understand how to leverage this comprehensive and collaborative standard to design, verify, and future-proof your projects, and dispel any greenwash claims. The Standard, created for the industry by the industry, provides robust, transparent guidelines to achieve Net Zero Carbon Aligned Buildings, and addresses upfront carbon, operational efficiency, and performance alignment with UK carbon reduction targets.

Jess Hrivnak will share how to use this free-to-access framework to initiate impactful change.

Speaker Bio

Jess Hrivnak is the RIBA’s Lead on Sustainability, and member of the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard’s Technical Steering Group since its inception. She heads up the Institute’s work on the UKNZCBS Standard, and is responsible for the RIBA’s 2030 Climate Challenge guidance and the RIBA’s Chartered Practice Sustainable Development Toolkit. She works collaboratively within the Institute and with partner organisations to improve climate literacy, align design targets, strategies and processes. She is passionate about bridging gaps between sectors and disciplines to enable better guidance and action to improve planetary and human health outcomes.