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AIA UK - Preparing to take the Mutual Recognition Agreement Exam

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AIA UK - Preparing to take the Mutual Recognition Agreement Exam

AIA UK - Preparing to take the Mutual Recognition Agreement Exam

Join AIA UK for an evening hosted at KPF, as we demystify the US-UK Mutual Recognition Agreement.

When: Tuesday 8 April 2025, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Where: KPF, 7a Langley Street, WC2H 9JA

CES Credits: Estimated 1.5 LUs for AIA Members

RIBA Members may count this activity towards their CPD recording requirement.


A discussion of the current Mutual Recognition Agreement between the UK ARB and NCARB that enables US-licensed architects to become registered in the UK. Since the MRA began operating in 2023, there are a number of members that have had questions about the process, particularly as the format is different to the US Architectural Registration Exams.

The session will cover which states are eligible, the reflective career summary requirement, a description of the exam format and the UKAA Example Scenario, resources available to study & tips, and what we know about the ARB consultation on further changes to the exam process proposed for 2027. The panelists have successfully completed the MRA exam and will describe their professional background and preparation process.  

Panelists include Alex Miller, AIA RIBA and Bryan Oknyansky, AIA ARB.

If you have completed the MRA and would like to participate as a panelist, please let us know.


£1 - Members
£10 - Non-Members

Spaces are limited. Sign up today!