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AIA Continental Europe and AIA UK Spring Conference - Cork

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AIA Continental Europe and AIA UK Spring Conference - Cork

AIA Continental Europe and AIA UK Spring Conference - Cork

When: Friday 11 April - Sunday 13 April 2025
Where: Cork, Ireland

RIBA Members may count this activity towards their CPD recording requirement.


Come join the AIA Continental Europe and AIA United Kingdom Chapters as we explore this lively city on Ireland’s south coast. Cork was founded on an island in the middle of the River Lee and developed within the constraints of its unique topography (hills and views to you and me).  

The city is compact and walkable and the successful pedestrianisation of main streets and quays by the city council in the last decade have kept it so. Buildings from every era sit cheek by jowl and new buildings must box clever to slip in neatly. We will visit a few of the best.

Cork has been blessed and cursed by doughnut development, with burgeoning suburbs and stagnating city centre. No longer. Recent developments on the quays have set a high standard and the city is on the brink of a larger brownfield development on the old city port. A great city to walk, some lovely gems to visit and plenty to consider on urban renewal.


Spaces are limited. Book your place today to take advantage of Early Bird rates!