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Fiona Mckay

The AIA Grassroots Leadership and Legislative Conference offers opportunities for leaders from every AIA regional, state and local chapter throughout the US and the around the globe. This year’s conference was held in Washington DC, over a cold and snowy three days in early March. The AIA UK Chapter joined the other international chapters, and hundreds of state and local chapter leaders for meetings, workshops and lectures centred on development, advocacy, and messaging for the promotion and success of our shared industry.

2014 was an extraordinary year for the AIA, laying a foundation for future growth and propelling the organization into the 21st Century. The ‘Look Up’ marketing campaign has been hugely successful, and The Architects Foundation has already proven itself through influencing positive policy in the realms of public health and quality of life.

The International Region met several times over the course of the conference. First to celebrate the success of the first-ever AIA International Design Awards, along with an exhibition of the award-winning work at the AIA Headquarters during its Open House. The AIA President, Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA, and AIA CEO, Robert Ivy, FAIA, joined the other members of the International Region for a productive meeting outlining the next steps for the continued growth and development of our International Region. We are looking forward to another successful year, meeting next at the AIA National Convention in Atlanta, from May 14-16th. 

Photo of AIA International Region meeting at Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill

Photo of AIA International Region meeting at Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill

Author: Frederick Grier

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