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AIA UK Board - Volunteer Positions


AIA UK Board - Volunteer Positions

Fiona Mckay

Two volunteer positions have opened up on the board. They are as follows:

Publicity/Outreach Coordinator

The AIA/UK Chapter is recruiting a person responsible for raising the profile of AIA UK in London and nationally within the UK, who will:

  • Disseminate information about our events to the mainstream press, architectural publications and on social media.
  • Make sure that chapter signature events are announced and covered by relevant weeklies (BD and AJ), monthlies and websites.
  • Build relationships with contacts in the architectural and mainstream press
  • Build contacts with partner organizations (RIBA, Design Centre and others) to build cooperation for joint events and activities
  • Reports to the Board monthly on publicity and outreach activities

Newsletter Coordinator

The AIA/UK Chapter is looking for a person responsible for coordinating and editing the Newsletters who will pull together and publish a regular newsletter that incorporates highlights from Chapter news. The Newsletter Coordinator will:

  • Serve as the key contact person, communicate with authors and work closely with the Chapter Executive.
  • Regularly collect, organise, edit and publish the articles on the Journal section of AIA/UK's website. 
  • Every 3 months, create a web-base Newsletter to be delivered via email to the Chapter Members.
  • Oversee the deadlines, incorporate comments and final edit the Newsletter.
  • Monitor the engagement, gather feedback and revise the web-base layouts to improve the Chapter Communications.
  • Report to the Board monthly on deadlines, stats and feedbacks
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