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Movie Night - Within Formal Cities 

Fiona Mckay


2017 was a very successful year for attendance of the AIA UK movie series, and we are most grateful to our membership & non-members for the support. We wound up tour 2017 series with the screening of 'Within Formal Cities,' by Brian Gaudio & Abe Drechsler.

The two young directors have architecture & urban planning experience in the USA, South America and Europe. They are both 2014 graduates of North Carolina State University, USA, and upon graduating, they received a grant to travel to 5 cities in South America. The cities studied were Lima, Santiago, São Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, and Bogotá, and they studied how architects & designers were trying to solve the housing crisis.

Their documentary covered the role of design in addressing the global housing crisis – no small ambition. "By 2050," the directors argued, "one fourth of the global population will live in informal settlements. Many people will lack adequate housing and infrastructure.”

Many thanks to all who attended this final screening, and we look forward to welcoming all of you back to the BFI in 2018 for more screenings & debates!

Written by: Chris Musangi, AIA

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