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Fiona Mckay

Members and prospective members of the AIA UK Emerging Professionals Committee meet at The Crown Victoria on 1 Dec 2022 to discuss the future of EP. Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

On Thursday 1 Dec 2022, AIA UK Emerging Professionals met for an informal evening of discussions at The Crown Victoria to celebrate the end of a successful year. The event was notably attended by EP Committee Member Beyza Kayali and incumbent EP Committee Chair Paolo Mendoza.

We hope that 2023 will bring additional development on the Emerging Professionals front of the AIA UK.  Changes we hope to initiate next year include the expansion of online ARE Study Resources and additional content to be added to the Emerging Professionals web page. We are seeing an increased interest from the side of young US expatriates looking to benefit from two new UK measures: the US-UK Mutual Recognition Agreement and the High Potential Individual Visa. We are also working to gain traction with young UK professionals, particularly those from BAME communities or underrepresented backgrounds, and start looking to build foundational relationships locally. 

All these efforts will take time and personal investment. AIA UK EP needs volunteers to make this vision a reality. As always – for those looking to connect or interested in getting involved - please do not hesitate to get in touch with

Written by Adelina Koleva, AIA 

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