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Student Charrette 2024

AIA UK Student Charrette 2024

If you are a student enrolled in the second or third year of a RIBA-accredited Part-1 course, then the Student Charrette is designed for you! This one-day design competition brings together teams of Part-1 students from around the country to compete in an entirely analogue event.

When: Saturday 26 October 2024, 9am-6pm

Where: Kohn Pedersen Fox, 7a Langley St, London WC2H 9JA

Working without a computer, you will need to think fast and draw faster, developing and testing your representational skills without the aid of digital technologies. Teams will be mentored by practicing architects, and the event will conclude with a juried design review. 

The charrette is run in Central London on a weekend, and funding is available to help cover travel costs. Prizes will be offered for the winning team and the runners-up, with the winning proposal published and promoted across the AIA UK's social media channels.

Please note: Photographs taken at the event may be used in AIA UK Newsletter articles and on the website.


Eligibility and Entry Requirements:

  • Open to students enrolled in the second or third year of a RIBA-accredited Part-1 architecture course. 

  • Register online, in teams (max. 8 students per team) or individually, to be assigned a team on the day.

  • Event will be held on Saturday 26 October 2024.

  • Located in Central London at the KPF office.

  • Some support for travel costs is available if required; please contact AIA UK at prior to the event if you wish to request this.

  • The £5 entry fee is refundable for students that attend the event.

  • A selection of model-making materials will be provided, but students are also encouraged to bring their own supplies and materials to use on the day.

  • Present to a jury of practicing architects and academics.

  • Prizes for the winning team and the runners-up.

  • One-year complimentary student membership of the AIA UK chapter offered to all participating students.