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Assistance with your legal issues

Fiona Mckay

Any uncertainty when it comes to the law can be a cause for concern.

AIA’s legal Partner Beale & Company can assist in respect of issues arising in connection with your practice by offering you a free legal helpline. Whether it’s a second opinion, an ad hoc piece of advice or clarification on an issue, Beale & Company can provide you with the guidance you need.

They can provide support in relation to:

Appointments and collateral warranties;

  • Assignment and novation
  • Non-payment
  • Disputes
  • Intellectual property rights
  • IT
  • Employment
  • Corporate and commercial matters

The helpline is available not just to individual members of the AIA but to the whole firm where they have individual members.

Beale & Company has a long history of acting for consultants and architects and their lawyers have a deep understanding of the needs and challenges your practices may face with many of them having gained in-house experience in leading construction companies.

To get in touch, call +44 (0) 20 7469 0400 (and quote AIA UK Helpline) or alternatively email:

Download our Legal Helpline Flyer to keep to hand should an issue arise and you need a second opinion.


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