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Excellence in Design Awards Gala 2017

Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK Chapter hosted Excellence in Design Awards Gala 2017 on the 19th April at the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) in London. The Grade-I listed building designed by Denys Lasdun, itself considered an architectural treasure,  provided an exceptional backdrop to celebrate design excellence and welcome the guests who arrived from different parts of the world to celebrate creativity, design and architecture.

The AIA UK sets an open awards platform in order to minimise restrictions and provide more opportunities for architects and designers to submit their projects. This year the AIA UK set two key categories : Professional and Young Architect. The Young Architect category is aimed at encouraging and rewarding younger architects and emerging practices with design principals under the age of 40.

The AIA UK is delighted to announce the 2017 winners in each category:

  • Professional: Foster + Partners for the Maggie’s at the Robert Parfett Building

  • Young Architect: Spheron Architects for the Belarusian Memorial Chapel

  • The jury also awarded three Commendations to the following projects in the Professional category:

  • Peter Salter Associates for Walmer Yard

  • Stanton Williams for the Berrow Foundation Building and the New Garden Building

  • Zaha Hadid Architects – Maritime Terminal, Salerno

The jury’s review process involved a day-long, debate over the anonymous submissions, clearly indicating the high quality of the submissions received. The jury members presented the commendations and awards at the Gala evening.

The members of the jury included: Stephen Hodder, Jessica Mairs, Sophy Twohig, Patrick Lynch, Ben Derbyshire, and Fatos Peja.

See HERE for full details of the winners.

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