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Continuing Education

The AIA UK Chapter runs a very active programme of building tours, social events, lectures and film screenings, and nearly every event has a continuing education component. Credit is given for Learning Units and Health and Safety and Welfare (HSW).

There are many opportunities to reach the 18 credits required to maintain membership in the AIA.

For example:

  • Annual General Meeting - 1 credit

  • Webinar on a legal topic - 1 credit

  • Three building tours - 4.5 credits

  • Two film nights - 3 credits

  • Young professionals mentoring event - 1.5 credits

  • Summer bike tour - 4 credits

  • Keynote lecture - 1.5 credits

  • Technical lecture - 1.5 credits

TOTAL: 18 credits

Or, for members who are short on time in the evenings, a city excursion will typically gain you 12 credits or more. Add mentoring a team in the annual student charrette for 6 credits, and you have achieved the AIA requirement.

U.S. states will generally accept the AIA CES transcript as proof of the continuing education requirement for maintaining a state license.

Events Calendar - Check out our upcoming events for opportunities to earn CES credits.

Past Events - You can also gain CES credits on demand if you watch a past event recording and take the quiz.

AIA U - Discover what you can learn! Get CES credits by taking webinars.