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The Chapter


First International Chapter of the American Institute of Architects

The American Institute of Architects has been a professional society of architects for over 150 years. The AIA, representing more than 99,000 members, is the most influential voice for the architectural community in the United States, and through its growing number of International Chapters and members is gaining influence throughout the global architectural community.

In 1990, a group of American architects living and working in the United Kingdom came together to establish a local chapter in London. What began primarily as a social vehicle soon grew into something much more. In 1992, AIA UK officially became the first international chapter of the AIA, leading the way for the formal recognition of other international chapters in Continental Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

The AIA UK Chapter has over 200 members throughout the country. We have continued a dialogue with the Royal Institute of British Architects and work jointly with its members to promote architecture and the architectural profession. Many of our members are also members of the RIBA.

Each year, the AIA UK Chapter initiates a variety of programs that provide continuing education units, required for most US and UK registered architects. These include lectures, film nights, drawing classes, building tours, private exhibition tours and social nights.  We also have signature annual events as listed below.

Signature Events

  • Excellence in Design Awards

  • Student Design Charrette

  • Keynote Lecture

  • Summer Gala

Our Mission Statement

If you would like any additional general information on the AIA UK, feel free to get in touch.