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Noel Hill Award

Noel hill Award


2024 Submissions are closed!

The Noel Hill Award is offered in memory of Noel Hill, a founding member of the AIA UK Chapter. 

It is presented annually to a Part 2 student that has undertaken outstanding and original research during their studies. The award is not limited by topic or location and offers £3,000 towards the continuation of independent research beyond the end of the academic year.


Applicants must:

  • Currently be enrolled on a RIBA-accredited Part 2 course, OR

  • Have graduated from a RIBA-accredited Part 2 Course in 2024.

How to Apply

  • 2024 Submissions open, apply by Friday 18 October 2024, 5pm BST

  • Online digital submission. 2 x A3 pages, submitted as a single PDF.

  • Short supplementary audio or video presentation – maximum 3 mins. Can be submitted as a single mp3 or mp4 file.

  • The submissions should include a summary of research already undertaken, how you propose to use the award towards the continuation of this research, the period in which any travel or further research would be carried out, and your overall goals and ambitions for the project.

  • Submissions should include high-resolution images and restrict the word count to 500 words.

  • Include in your application e-mail: your name, tutor’s name, the name of your University or School of Architecture, programme of study and year of study. Please keep other submission materials (PDF and mp3/mp4) anonymous.

  • By applying for the Noel Hill Award, applicants agree to allow the AIA UK Chapter to use and publish their entries in digital and print formats in connection with the event and for related non-commercial purposes.

  • Completed applications must be sent to via a web-based file transfer service such as WeTransfer prior to the deadline of 5pm BST on Friday 18 October 2024.

Judging & Presentation

The award will be judged by a jury of practising architects and academics, and the winner will be notified after the judging in November 2024. 

Research should be completed between November 2024 and April 2026.

The winner will be invited to present their winning proposal at the annual AIA UK Excellence in Design Awards in April 2026.

Past Winners & Research Topics/ Countries 

2024 - Ryan Stranger - After London

2023 - Melis Gurdal

2022 - Paris Gazzola - Mine Land, My Land: Australia

2021 - Kasia Antoszyk, Zoë Hyatt, Kester Samsom, Lily Whitehouse - Community-Building in Govanhill, Glasgow

2016 - Tonderai Prince Maboreke

2015 - Ryan McGaffney  and Jennifer Taggart - Cambodia: Constructing A New Community Centre

2014 - Sarah Jane Forness - Kotor Architectural Prison Summer School in Montenegro

2013 - Rebecca Nixon - Uganda

2012 - Ishbel Mull - United States: Visits 22 states

Keir Alexander - United States

2011 - Robin Flindell - Central America

2010 - Mark Kelly - Himalayas

2009 - Paulo Moreira - Angola

2008 - Elliot Hames Krause

Stefanie Rhodes

2007 - Aimee O’Carroll - Japan

Emily Penn - China: Sustainability

2006 - Kenny Tsui & Masaki Kakizoe - Therapeutic Centre in China

John Imeson - Community Building in Ghana

2005 - Noam Andres

Myung Ho Lee

2004 - James Curtis - New Zealand: The Effect of Settlement on the Indigenous Environment

Vijay Patel - Cuba: Drawing the Urban Condition

2003 - Mariano Ciccone

Kenny Tsui

Elena Zabeli