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Free Legal Helpline

Chapter sponsor, Beale & Co, offers a specialist advice line to all AIA members. Whether you need access to summary legal advice, a second opinion, or an ad hoc clarification, the renowned international construction and insurance law firm can help. Their 20-minute free service gives you early advice and direction from a specialist, helping you to keep within timescales and address issues before they escalate.

Beale & Co can provide advice in relation to:

  • Appointments and collateral warranties

  • Non-payment

  • Issues on ongoing projects

  • Health & safety

  • Commercial matters.

*The advice line does not include the review of any documents. If you require this service, Beale & Co will need to be formally instructed by your firm.

Contact Beale & Co on +44 (0) 20 7469 0400 – and quote AIA Helpline.