Emerging Professionals
The AIA UK supports emerging professionals across the United Kingdom who are working towards licensure, are early in their career or are recently arrived in the UK. Our EP programme consists of career and professional development events, such as licensure workshops, mentorship nights, and round table conversations. See our calendar for upcoming EP events.
Licensure Support
For designers working towards an architectural license in a US State, the AIA UK hosts workshops which cover the overall procedure and study groups looking specifically at the Architectural Registration Examinations or AREs. We have also written a number of white papers on the different paths to US licensure and license conversion from UK to US and US to UK (see links below). To Support ARE exam takers AIA UK also maintains a library of hard copy ARE study material which members can borrow for free (see link below).
Useful LINKS/Articles
ARE Links/Resources
ARE Study Library
The materials listed below are available to check out in hard copy. For more information, please contact: emergingprofessionals@aiauk.org.
ARE 5.0
Brightwood Complete Set
ARE 4.0
Ballast - ARE Review Manual
Kaplan - Structural Systems, Building Systems
Nalsa - Archiflash Cards
For more information or to keep informed of Emerging Professionals events, please contact: emergingprofessionals@aiauk.org