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AIA UK Student Design Charrette 2014

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AIA UK Student Design Charrette 2014

  • Roca Gallery London Station Court, Townmead Rd, London SW6 2PY UK (map)




08 November 2014, 9am - 6pm

Roca Gallery London

Station Court
Townmead Road
London SW6 2PY


A Juried One-Day Design Competition

£10 per student (includes lunch and refreshments, and reprographic services for presentations)

Students will design collaboratively in teams of 6-8, mentored by a practicing architect or interior designer. Students are encouraged to work as a team ‘representing’ their School. Individuals are encouraged as well; you will be married–up with a team on the day. 

The Charrette will be a CAD-free event: drawn, modeled and collage proposals only. Bring your favorite drawing medium and tools with you. Rolls of tracing paper and drawing paper will be provided. 

In conjunction with the exhibition: Urban Plunge: New Designers for Natural Swimming in Our Cities.

The jury will be chaired by Edna Lüddecke of JDS Architects (Copenhagen)

Due to a large expected turnout, please register by Friday, 31 October 2014 at 6pm.

One team per university per course.  For 2nd and 3rd year Architecture students and 3rd year Interior Design students only.  

Registration is strictly limited to 40 architecture students and 40 interior design students in total. 

Generously sponsored by Laufen and Callprint.  Image courtesy of JDS Architects.

Click here to download the pdf flyer.