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AIA UK Seminar - The New London Economy

  • Pilbrow & Partners 2-5 St John’s Square EC1M 4DE (map)

The AIA UK Chapter and Pilbrow & Partners cordially invite you to a seminar on the new economic engines of London’s growth. From the transformations of life sciences research, to the changing face of the music industry, the evening will offer insights into the developments that are shaping the future of the capital.

Speakers include:

  • Stewart Murray Assistant Director - Planning, Greater London Authority
  • John Anderson Financial Strategist, Imperial College London
  • Andy Martin Senior Partner, Strutt and Parker
  • Nick Keynes Partner, Tileyard Music Studios


Tuesday, 12th May 2015. 6.30pm onwards

2-5 St John’s Square




Drinks and music by 4th Project following the seminar


Admission is Free, Spaces are Limited.