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AIA UK 2017 Annual General Meeting:

  • Herman Miller Aldwych London, England, WC2B United Kingdom (map)


When: Wednesday 18th January 2017 at 6:30 pm
Where: Herman Miller Showroom, 61 Aldwych, London WC2B 4AE
CES Credits: 1.0

We invite you to join us for the AIA UK's 2017 Annual General Meeting to celebrate the year just gone and look forward to the year ahead.

Our longest serving sponsor, Herman Miller, will generously host a drinks and canapé reception and make a special presentation worth 1.0 CEUs.

Essential AIA business will include:

  • Election of the 2017 Board Officers and Directors,
  • Approval of the 2016 Annual Accounts
  • Acceptance of Chapter Bylaw changes, and
  • Review of our Events Calendar past and future.


Attendance is not absolutely mandatory; however, this is your opportunity to have a say in the governance of the Chapter as well as to enjoy a lively social/educational event in the Herman Miller showrooms.

Call for Nominations

You are welcome to make nominations for Board Directors and the four Officer positions. The Board Directors could be either licensed or non-licensed architects, either US or foreign. The Officer positions should ideally come from past or existing Directors and should be licensed architects. All members of the Board should be willing and able to help with events coordination and other Chapter activities. 

If you are interested in getting involved with the Chapter, please even consider nominating yourself for a position on the Board.

Earlier Event: November 23
AIA UK Film Night