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AIA UK Film Night - The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces

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AIA UK Film Night - The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces

  • BFI Screening Room 21 Stephen Street London, W1T 1LN United Kingdom (map)

The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces

A Film by William H. Whyte

This film is about city spaces --why some work and some do not, and what the practical lessons may be. In 1980, William H. Whyte published the findings from his revolutionary Street Life Project in The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. 

Both the book and the accompanying film were instantly labeled classics, and launched a mini-revolution in the planning and study of public spaces. They have since become standard texts, and appear on syllabi and reading lists in urban planning, sociology, environmental design, and architecture departments around the world.

Admission for AIA Members: £3

General Admission/Non-members: £5

1.5 CES Credits

Seating is limited. RSVP required.

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