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AIA UK Building Tour - Rambert School by Allies & Morrison

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AIA UK Building Tour - Rambert School by Allies & Morrison

Nick Péri of Allies and Morrison and Nadia Stern of Rambert will guide a tour of the building, followed by drinks at the Green Room bar and diner next door.

When:     Thursday 21st of July 2016 at 6:30pm

Where:    99 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PP (Tube: Waterloo)

Meet:      Front Entry (across from National Theatre)

1 CES credit is available and places are limited.

Tickets are £3/£5 for members/non-members, and all proceeds benefit the Noel Hill Travel Bursary.

Purchase your tickets online by clicking here.
Winner of one of this year’s AIA UK  Excellence in Design Awards, the Rambert building provides a home for the company to hone its craft, create new productions and make dance more widely accessible. Clean, crisp and clean lines define the architecture for this narrow seven-storey building that will eventually have two permanent neighbours. It is the latest addition to the vibrant cultural district at London’s South Bank.

Light-filled dance studios, changing rooms and offices are raised above a generous ground floor, allowing touring truck access at the rear and a welcoming entrance space with archive and public reading room below.

The sectional arrangement exploits the mix of single and double-height spaces, allowing permeability and views between them. A central courtyard optimises natural light and ventilation, while also acting as a social focus for the life of the building.

More information on the project here.