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AIA UK Building Tour - Gasholders' Building

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AIA UK Building Tour - Gasholders' Building

The AIA UK Chapter cordially invites you to the next in our ongoing series of building tours:

King’s Cross Gasholders by Wilkinson Eyre

When:     Friday 9th September 2016 at 4:30pm

Where:  Argent PPE Hut, Corner of Stable St. and Handyside St. (NW corner of the Central St. Martins building) London N1C Tube: King’s Cross

Note: Please dress appropriately for the construction site, and arrive promptly to receive PPE and site safety briefing.

1 CES credit is available and places are limited.

Tickets are £3/£5 for members/non-members, and all proceeds benefit the Noel Hill Travel Bursary.

Purchase your tickets online by clicking here

Wilkinson Eyre won the design competition with a concept for three residential buildings to be housed within the elegant historic cast iron frames. The concept proposed three drums of accommodation at differing heights to suggest the movement of the original gasholders, which would have risen up or down depending on the pressure of the gas within. A fourth, virtual drum shape, located at the centre of the frames, formed an open courtyard, celebrating the conglomeration of the cast iron structures at their point of intersection.

The exterior of the accommodation volumes are planned within each of the guide frames, expressed in a veil of metal and structural elements forming operable and static panels to control the environmental conditions inside. The dark steel cladding contrasts with elements of brass and bronze. The apartments will be linked by a series of circular walkways around a central courtyard where water and light will reflect each other. Rooftop landscaping will connect nature with the urban landscape.

More information on the project here, and here.