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AIA UK - Building Seminar: Sky Central

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AIA UK - Building Seminar: Sky Central

  • PLP Architecture Ibex House 42-47 Minories London EC3N 1DY United Kingdom (map)

The AIA UK Chapter cordially invites you to a seminar with the design architects of Sky Central Workplace:

Sky Central @ PLP Architecture

Lecture about the project, discussion and drinks.

Located at the heart of Sky’s 13-hectare headquarters in Osterley, West London, the three-storey building has a 37,700-square-metre plan arranged around a triple-height atrium. It houses over 3,500 employees, bringing Sky's corporate and creative sections together into a single community, whose identity reflects the fast-paced and ever-evolving nature of broadcasting and telecommunications. It has been designed to promote flexibility, openness, and ease of access, encouraging the flow of both people and ideas.

The extensive use of timber together allowed for significant offsite prefabrication and a reduced programme / carbon footprint during construction. The building has received WELL Certification in recognition of its promotion of a sense of health and wellbeing among employees.

Venue: PLP Architecture - Ibex House 42-47 Minories London EC3N 1DY

1.5 CES Credit (minimum) is available and places are limited. Tickets are £3 / £5 for members/non-members, and all proceeds benefit the Noel Hill Travel Bursary. Please register online by clicking the tickets button.

For more information about the project, click here.

Earlier Event: October 1
AIA UK ARE Study Group
Later Event: October 23
AIA UK Movie Night