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AIA UK Movie Night

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AIA UK Movie Night

  • BFI Screening Room 21 Stephen St London W1T (map)

Please join the AIA UK for our final movie screening of 2018:

Citizen Jane - Battle For The City

This is a documentary about writer and urban activist Jane Jacobs, and her fight to save historic New York City during the ruthless redevelopment era of urban planner Robert Moses in the 1960s. Jacobs insisted that with skyscrapers come slums, emphasising the city as a community of people rather than a collection of buildings.

Jacob’s activism resonates loudly in our present time, as grassroots movements rise up to resist power-based bullying and autocratic authority.

1.5 CES Credits Available.

AIA Members - £3.00

Non-Members - £5.00

Later Event: November 19
AIA UK X Armstrong Pub Quiz