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AIA UK Film Night - 'Helvetica'

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AIA UK Film Night - 'Helvetica'

  • BFI Screening Room 21 Stephen Street London, England, W1T 1LN United Kingdom (map)

The AIA UK proudly presents Gary Hustwit's independent documentary 'Helvetica.'

This is an independent feature-length documentary about typeface and graphic design, centred on the typeface of the same name. The documentary was released in 2007 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the typeface's introduction in 1957.

Its content consists of a history of the typeface interspersed with candid interviews with leading graphic and type designers. The film aims to show Helvetica's beauty and ubiquity, and illuminate the personalities that are behind typefaces. It also explores the rift between modernists and postmodernists, with the latter expressing and explaining their criticisms of the famous typeface.

1.5 CES Credits Available.