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Roca Exhibition Event: Drawing Attention: Unplugged with CJ Lim and Helen Thomas

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Roca Exhibition Event: Drawing Attention: Unplugged with CJ Lim and Helen Thomas

Date: Thursday, 7 November 2019
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Venue: Roca London Gallery, Station Court, Townmead Rd, Fulham, London SW6 2PY

In conjunction with the Roca London Gallery’s autumn exhibition, Drawing Attention: The Digital Culture of Contemporary Architecture Drawings, please join us for an unplugged conversation on the trajectory of digital drawings. Roca will host contributing architect and Professor of Architecture & Urbanism at The Bartlett School of Architecture, CJ Lim, architect and author of Drawing Architecture Helen Thomas and curators Jeremy Ficca, Amy Kulper and Grace La. The event will explore new directions, experiments and meanings of contemporary architectural drawings. Exhibition participants Johanna Just, Jessica In and Maj Plemenitas, will kick off the evening with PechaKucha presentations describing the innovative production of their drawings and the impact for the discipline of architecture.

Admission is free but places are limited.

CES Credits: TBC