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AIA UK 2019 Design Awards Gala

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AIA UK 2019 Design Awards Gala

  • The Royal College of Physicians 11 Saint Andrews Place London, England, NW1 4LE United Kingdom (map)

The 2019 AIA UK Excellence in Design Awards
Tuesday, 30 April 2019

The Royal College of Physicians,
11 St. Andrew’s Place,
London NW1 4LE. 

Please join us at The Royal College of Physicians for the 2019 Excellence in Design Awards ceremony. Awards will be given to winning entries from Architects, industrial designers, urban planners, landscape architects and interior designers based in the UK and from around the World, for completed projects in the UK;  as well as projects abroad completed by UK based practices.


1830hrs-1930hrs: Welcome Reception Venue: The Platt Room

1945hrs: Awards Ceremony Venue: The Seligman Theatre

2030hrs - 2230hrs: Awards Reception, & Building Tours* Venue: The Platt Room


Tickets are free but capacity is limited. *

Building Tours of the Grade I-listed building by Sir Denys Lasdun, CBE. 1 CES credit available for this tour

Earlier Event: April 16
RIBA + VitrA Talk: Daniel Libeskind
Later Event: May 2
AIA UK Mentorship Night