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Workflow: Parametric Design in Practice

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Workflow: Parametric Design in Practice

AIA UK Lecture

Workflow: Parametric Design in Practice

Date: 6.30-9pm, 30 May 2019

Address: WilkinsonEyre, 33 Bowling Green Lane, London EC1R 0BJ

WilkinsonEyre hosts the AIA UK Chapter in an event webbing together art, science, and tech.

Please join us for an evening of design method exploration and transatlantic camaraderie, and see the range of what parametric design has to offer.

Learn something, share something, or talk shop with WEA's parametric design pros. All levels of computer knowledge are welcome.


18:30 - Doors open

19:00 - Lectures

Fabio Roberti - Head of BIM at WilkinsonEyre

  • Introduction to the WilkinsonEyre Digital Production and Design

Conor Worth

  • Grasshopper design tactics on One Barangaroo

Kairo Baden-Powell and Alexandros Bertzouanis

  • Digital strategies used for Lord’s Cricket Ground Stadium

Alexandros Bertzouanis

  • Visibility Studies

  • Visualizing Revit views dependencies

  • Panelling surfaces in Revit

René Rammazzo

  • Grasshopper design methods – from initial designs stages to information management.

20:30 - Drinks / Canapés / Networking

21:00 - Fade out

CES Credits - 1.5