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Cambridge Super Saturday: CES Extravaganza

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Cambridge Super Saturday: CES Extravaganza

AIA UK Cambridge Super Saturday: CES Extravaganza 2019

Need some Continuing Education credits in 2019? Want a delightful Summer day trip to Cambridge with a free guided walking tour, lunch, and a range of interesting talks? Then book now!


0900-0945: Coffee/ tea and pastries at St.John's College, Cambridge

0945-1200: Expert Guided Walking Tour of Cambridge (Dr Maria Copot)

1200-1300: Free Lunch at St.John's College

1300-1400: Sustainability and Engineering: The New London Plan (Max Fordham)

1400-1500: Sustainability and Heritage: New Court, Trinity (Fifth Studio)

1500-1600: Sustainability and Masterplanning (Allies+Morrison)

1600-1700: Sustainability and Building: Tour of Cowan Court, Churchill College (6a Architects)

1700-1830: Drinks by the River (The Mill, Cambridge) (Limited LUs)

Target Learning Units:

6 Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW) credits.

Earlier Event: July 4
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