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Iris Ceramica - Speakeasy Club with Hawkins/Brown

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Iris Ceramica - Speakeasy Club with Hawkins/Brown

Iris Ceramica - Speakeasy Club with Hawkins/Brown

Join Iris Ceramica in their London Showroom at their “Speakeasy Club”!  Included is a screening from The Architects Series featuring Hawkins/Brown Architects and a live streamed presentation by Hawkins/Brown’s principals.

When: Thursday 18 November 2021, 17:30 - 20:00
Where: Iris Ceramica Showroom, 61-67 Old Street, EC1V 9HW/ Online
CES Credits – 2.0 LU/ HSW for AIA Members (TBC)

You are invited to join us at AIA UK sponsor Iris Ceramica’s London Showroom on 18th November for their Speakeasy Club! This includes a presentation from their Architects Series. This month it's a documentary about London based architects, Hawkins/Brown Architects. This will be followed by a livestreamed talk from Roger Hawkins and Russell Brown. After the talk, the Speakeasy Club will open with food and cocktails!

View the invitation HERE >>>

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