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AIA UK Annual General Meeting

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AIA UK Annual General Meeting

AIA UK Annual General Meeting

When: Wednesday 26 January 2022, 18:30 (welcome and drinks reception beforehand)
Where: Herman Miller Showroom, 2 Kingsway, London WC2B 6LH/ ONLINE. The in-person event will be held subject to government guidelines and regulations.

CES Credits - 1 LU for AIA Members (TBC)

Dear Members

We invite you to join us for the AIA UK's 2022 Annual General Meeting to celebrate the year just gone by and to look to the year ahead.  A brief business meeting will also be held, including:

  • The election of the 2022 Board Officers and Directors,

  • The approval of the 2022 Annual Accounts.

A drinks and canapé reception, hosted generously by our sponsor Herman Miller, will be held prior to the formal meeting, which begins at 6:30pm.  

Mark Catchlove, Director, Herman Miller Insight Group will give a short presentation on The Office - A Facility based on Change that will earn attendees 1 LU (TBC).  


Attendance is not absolutely mandatory (although a quorum of members eligible to vote must be achieved); however, this is your best opportunity to have your say in the running of the Chapter, give feedback to the Board and influence the Chapter’s plans going forward.

View Year in Review Presentation