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AIA UK Building Tour Series 2022 - 1 Finsbury Avenue by AHMM

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AIA UK Building Tour Series 2022 - 1 Finsbury Avenue by AHMM

AIA UK Building Tour Series 2022 - 1 Finsbury Avenue by AHMM

© Timothy Soar

We are delighted to announce our 2022 Building Tour series! Following last year’s popular virtual tours, this series is once again inspired by the exceptional projects which were recognised at the AIA UK 2021 Excellence in Design Awards. And this year, we are excited to bring you a mix of live and virtual tours!

We are kicking things off in February with a live, in-person tour of 1 Finsbury Avenue by AHMM, a winner for Exemplary Performance in Sustainability.

When: Thursday 10 February 2022, 6.30-8pm
Where: 1 Finsbury Ave, London EC2M 2PF
Meeting point: Atoll/seating area in lower atrium
CES Credits -  Estimated 1.5 LU/ HSW for AIA Members

Speaker -  Tom Wells, Associate, AHMM


1 Finsbury Avenue is a Grade II listed building by Arup Associates (Peter Foggo, 1984) and the first in the later Broadgate development. The AHMM refurbishment shifts the emphasis from single tenancy to mixed-use retail, leisure and co-working office space, targeting tech occupiers and reinforces British Land’s vision for a vibrant masterplan and public realm. The public route through the building is re-established and the ethos ‘Raw is More’ repositions the nature of office space within the City.

Participants are invited to join us and our sponsors for drinks after the tour!

Speaker Bio

Tom attended the University of Nottingham, and the University of Westminster. Tom gained a broad experience completing significant projects at Cullinan Studio, Edward Hill Partnership, GHK Architects, MJP, SCABAL and Purcell before joining AHMM in 2014. He led the team remodelling the Curtis Green building into New Scotland Yard, a new headquarters building for the Metropolitan Police completed in 2016. Since then, Tom has led the project team on the award-winning redevelopment of 1 Finsbury Avenue completed in 2019. Tom has most recently been working on 1 Broadgate, a new build office and retail arcade next to 1 Finsbury Avenue, and proposals for the House of Commons relocation into Richmond House for the Parliamentary Estate.


AIA Members - £3

Non-members - £5

Spaces are limited - sign up today!

This event is made possible in large part through the sponsorship of RIDI Group. Please consider them for your next project. Further information at: