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Roca - Exhibition Event | Data Centre Aesthetics – How Do You Make Them Look Good?

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Roca - Exhibition Event | Data Centre Aesthetics – How Do You Make Them Look Good?

Roca - Exhibition Event | Data Centre Aesthetics – How Do You Make Them Look Good?

image courtesy of Roca

Join AIA UK sponsor Roca at their London Gallery for on 10th March for a presentation and discussion about Data Centre aesthetics, and a Gallery tour.

When: Thursday 10 March 2022, 18:30 - 20:30
Where: Roca London Gallery, Station Court, Townmead Road, London, SW6 2PY
CES Credits - 1.5 LUs for AIA Members (TBC)


Data centres have typically been housed in big, bland boxes, or retrofitted into existing buildings. But as they proliferate and are located nearer to us, some architects and developers are trying to create schemes that have some design credentials. What are the challenges to achieving this? And what does a success story look like?

Join curator Clare Dowdy; Executive Editor of Datacentre Dynamics, Peter Judge; Chief Property Officer of data centre developer Stratus, Nigel Clarkson; and Zac Potts, Head of Sustainability and Innovation at Sudlows to find out.

This presentation is in conjunction with Roca’s Gallery exhibition entitled Power House: The Architecture of Data Centres. Power House, looks at the architecture of data centres, showcasing proposals and existing designs by architecture practices around the globe, from vast complexes in remote locations, to retrofitted buildings in urban centres.

AIA Members: Please put 'AIA' after your name when registering for the event so we can track your attendance and give you your CES credits.