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Guided Tour of Roca London Gallery with Zaha Hadid Architects/Zaha Hadid Design

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Guided Tour of Roca London Gallery with Zaha Hadid Architects/Zaha Hadid Design

Guided Tour of Roca London Gallery with Zaha Hadid Architects/Zaha Hadid Design

Join Zaha Hadid Architects/Zaha Hadid Design for a fascinating architectural tour of AIA UK sponsor Roca's London Gallery.

When: Tuesday 15 March 2022, 18:30 - 20:00
Where: Roca London Gallery, Station Court, Townmead Road, London, SW6 2PY
CES Credits - 1.5 LUs for AIA Members (TBC)


Guests will have the opportunity to meet the team behind Roca London Gallery’s unique, award-winning space, as they discuss the conceptual and technical aspects of the design, and reveal the captivating story of how the architecture took shape. The 90-minute tour will examine the challenges presented by the existing building, the design concept and spatial strategies, and give an in-depth look at the innovative processes and materials used to achieve the iconic double curvature of the interior.

The tour is CPD accredited by the RIBA, RIAI and the BIID.

The tour will be led by:

Margarita Valova, Project Architect, Zaha Hadid Architects/Zaha Hadid Design

Gonzalo Coello de Portugal, Project Manager, Empty S.L.

David Bromell, Head of Marketing, Roca Group (UK)

AIA Members: Please put 'AIA' after your name when registering for the event so we can track your attendance and give you your CES credits.