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POSTPONED - AIA UK Building Tour Series 2022 - Magdalene College Library by Niall McLaughlin Architects

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POSTPONED - AIA UK Building Tour Series 2022 - Magdalene College Library by Niall McLaughlin Architects

AIA UK Building Tour Series 2022 - Magdalene College Library by Niall McLaughlin Architects

Photo: Nick Kane


Unfortunately, we have to postpone this Building Tour, due to issues with the planned date. We very much hope to be able to bring you this opportunity to visit Magdalene College Library, Cambridge in the summer.


Our 2022 Building Tour series continues! Following last year’s popular virtual tours, this series is once again inspired by the exceptional projects which were recognised at the AIA UK 2021 Excellence in Design Awards. And this year, we are excited to bring you a mix of live and virtual tours!

Join us for a live, in-person tour of Magdalene College Library by Niall McLaughlin Architects, a winner in the Professional - Medium Projects category.

When: Thursday 14 April 2022, 6.30-8pm
Where: Magdalene College, 13 Chesterton Ln, Cambridge CB3 0AQ
CES Credits -  Estimated 1.5 LU for AIA Members

Save the Date! Registration opens soon.