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Roca - Exhibition Event | Everything Flows: Zaha Hadid Design at Roca London Gallery

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Roca - Exhibition Event | Everything Flows: Zaha Hadid Design at Roca London Gallery

Roca - Exhibition Event | Everything Flows: Zaha Hadid Design at Roca London Gallery


The AIA UK is invited to a major exhibition opening, showcasing the key objects developed by Zaha Hadid Design over the last 15 years, which will fill the Zaha Hadid Architects designed space at Roca London Gallery. 

When: Tuesday 24 May, 18:30 – 20:30
Roca London Gallery, Station Court, Townmead Road, Fulham, London SW6 2PY
CES Credits: Estimated 1.0 LU for AIA Members 


The exhibition is being staged to celebrate a decade of working in the building that ZHA designed for Roca in 2011.  Located at Imperial Wharf near London’s Chelsea Harbour, the gallery’s form is based on water, central to Roca’s business and reflecting their sustainability commitments to people and planet.  Hadid herself described the role of water in the building, saying, “it acts as a transformer, moving without interruption through the façade, carving the interior and flowing through the main gallery as drops of water”.

The sculptural spaces of the striking gallery will become the site for an immersive installation of ZHD’s portfolio of pioneering designs, from fashion and jewellery to home accessories and furniture, carpets and lighting.  First time UK exhibits include a new furniture range made in collaboration with Japanese high tech brand Karimoku and jewellery designed for Tateossian.

The objects date back to the founding of the design practice in 2006 and are brought up to the present day with the installation of the 2022 collection of elegant wooden furniture made with Japanese brand Karimoku. Cultural Programme Manager at Roca London Gallery, Saoirse Walsh, says: “It has always felt like a deep privilege to work within the unique, organic spaces of our Zaha Hadid gallery. We instantly became, and remain, a landmark destination on architecture and design lovers’ maps.  ZHA and ZHD are constantly pushing the boundaries of material and form and this exhibition will help reaffirm just how radical an innovator Zaha Hadid was and how her ideas and spirit live on through her practice.”

AIA Members: Please put 'AIA' after your name when registering for the event so we can track your attendance and give you your CES credits.