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AIA UK Technical Lecture: Mixed Reality Fabrication with Fologram

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AIA UK Technical Lecture: Mixed Reality Fabrication with Fologram

AIA UK Technical Lecture: Mixed Reality Fabrication with Fologram

Immediate Opportunities and Use Cases from Craft to Construction

Our Technical Lectures are back! Join us to learn about Fologram and their mixed reality solutions.

When: Wednesday 15 June 2022, 12:00pm
Where: Online
CES Credits -  Estimated 1.0 LU for AIA Members


Gwyllim Jahn is the co-founder and creative director of Fologram, a Melbourne-based startup building mixed reality software solutions for architecture, engineering and construction. Fologram’s software overlays physical environments with precise, interactive digital models that can be used for rapid prototyping of mixed reality applications to solve design and construction challenges. Gwyllim will share how Fologram’s clients and partners have identified high value use cases and immediate opportunities for mixed reality to reduce construction time, cost and risk through several recently completed case study projects. These include work by All Brick to replace traditional 2D drawings with interactive, shared and in-situ holographic models describing all construction stages of the brickwork in the Royal Hobart Hospital, examples of clients within manufacturing and offsite construction industries using Twinbuild for precise setout and QA applications, and the effective use of analogue tools and traditional steam-bending techniques to fabricate the complex double-curved structure of the Tallinn Architecture Biennial pavilion.

Rhino users are encouraged to download and install the Fologram for Rhino plugin and the Fologram for Mobile app in order to experiment with streaming their own models from Rhino and Grasshopper as there will be time for a brief Q&A around user experience at the end of the presentation. Anyone with access to a HoloLens 2 is also encouraged to try Twinbuild.

Get Fologram for Rhino and Grasshopper from

Get Twinbuild for Revit and Rhino from

For more information, case study projects and examples see: