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AIA UK Conference: Super Saturday

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AIA UK Conference: Super Saturday

  • KPF 7A Langley Street London, England, WC2H 9JA United Kingdom (map)

Super Saturday

A 1-day conference for continuing education credits

Need CES credits in 2018? The AIA UK Chapter is hosting 1-day session on Saturday 16th of June to maximise the opportunity to get credits in a single day from the convenience of Central London. There will be a series of speakers during the morning and a walking tour in the afternoon.

The itinerary is as follows:

8:30-9am – Sign-in

9-10am: Presentation on Engineered Transparency; Eckersley O’Callaghan – Façade Engineers

10-10:15 - Break

10:15 - 11:15 - Presentation; Stanton Williams – Stanton Williams Associates Stephen Hadley and Kaori Ohsugi discuss the practice’s recent work in Cambridge, and how each project responds to the context.

11:15-11:30 - Break

11:30-12:30 – Presentation; Bauder -  Andrew Harper presents on design considerations for successful planning of Green Roofs

Lunch will be provided – Lebanese from The Cedar Restaurant, Maida Vale

Afternoon –

Walking Tour with Mike Althorp; the London Ambler 

Viewing – Castles in the Air Exhibition - Are Europe’s post-war social housing estates Modernist utopias or architectural hells? Photographer Iñigo Bujedo-Aguirre turns his lens on the high-rise concrete typology that is enjoying new popularity, yet continues to provoke reaction more than 70 years after taking root on the continent.

Target 6 LU (LU + HSW tbc)

Venue: 7a Langley Street, WC2H 9JA


Earlier Event: May 24
AIA UK Building Tour