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AIA UK Building Tour - The Shed, National Theatre

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AIA UK Building Tour - The Shed, National Theatre

  • The National Theatre, South Bank London, SE1 9PX United Kingdom (map)

The AIA UK Chapter cordially invites you to the next in our ongoing series of building tours. 

The Shed - National Theatre by Haworth Tompkins

Paddy Dillon will give a short introduction to the project, followed by a general building tour and discussion.


2 CES Credits are available and admission is free of charge.

Places are very limited.

Please RSVP online by clicking here.


AIA UK award winning building.

The Shed is a temporary venue for the National Theatre on London’s South Bank. Its simple form houses a 225-seat auditorium made of raw steel and plywood. The rough sawn timber cladding refers to the National Theatre’s iconic board-marked concrete, and the modelling of the auditorium and its corner towers complement the bold geometries of the National Theatre itself.

Earlier Event: July 14
AIA UK 2015 Summer Gala
Later Event: October 6
Legal Helpline Launch Event