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AIA UK Annual General Meeting 2016

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AIA UK Annual General Meeting 2016

  • Herman Miller Showroom 61 Aldwych London, WC2B 4AE (map)

We cordially invite you to attend the AIA UK's 2016 Annual General Meeting.

A drinks and canapé reception, hosted by Herman Miller, will be held prior to the approval of the 2015 Annual Accounts and election of Board Officers and Directors.

The evening will also include a brief overview of the Chapter’s activities for the past year and a discussion on what events are being planned for 2016. 



You are welcome to make nominations for the Board of Directors and the four Officer positions. The Officer positions would ideally be a held by US licensed architects, but we could also accept foreign licensed architects for nominations. The Board of Directors could be either licensed or non-licensed architects, US or foreign.  All members of the Board should be willing and able to help with events coordination and other Chapter activities.

If you are interested in getting involved with the Chapter, please even consider nominating yourself for a position on the Board.



Attendance is not obligatory, but we strongly urge you to attend this very important event and participate in the governance of the Chapter.  A quorum of AIA members is required for us to fulfill our responsibilities.  It is also a great opportunity to meet AIA UK members, give feedback to the Board and influence the Chapter’s plans going forward.

It is also always a pleasure to visit the showroom of Herman Miller, our long-time Chapter supporter.


RSVP Here by noon Monday 11th January 2016

Free Admission

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