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AIA UK Film Night - The Spirit of Architecture: John Lautner

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AIA UK Film Night - The Spirit of Architecture: John Lautner

  • Jarvis Auditorium RIBA, 66 Portland Place London W1B 1AD (map)

AIA Film Night - The Spirit in Architecture: John Lautner

A Documentary by Bette Cohen


The Spirit in Architecture examines the work of John Lautner, one of the most visionary and profound architects, who began his career in Los Angeles in the 1930's. This illuminating journey into Lautner's world features never before seen footage from his apprenticeship with Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin; extensive documentation of his extraordinary buildings; and interviews with historians, critics, collaborators, clients, and Lautner himself, which put his achievements in perspective. His building's use in feature films and his Googie's coffee shop design demonstrate his contribution to popular culture.

Q&A Session with drinks following screening

Admission: Free Entry but spaces are limited. 

1.5 CES Credits

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