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Beale & Company Webinar: Managing Legal Risk in the Middle East - Issues arising in the UAE

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Beale & Company Webinar: Managing Legal Risk in the Middle East - Issues arising in the UAE

Monday 25 April 2016 at 9:30am UK time and 12:30pm UAE time

The first in a series of webinars by Beale & Company about managing legal risk in the Middle East will be held on Monday 25 April 2016 and will provide an introduction to the following issues:

  • Introduction to the UAE Legal System and Civil Code; 
  • Authority to Contract; 
  • Contract interpretation and Performance;
  • Standard of Care: reasonable skill and care versus fitness for purpose;
  • Limitation Clauses: the law and in practice;
  • Limitation Periods and Decennial liability;
  • Damages under UAE law (including liquidated damages, penalties and interest);
  • Dispute Resolution (local Courts vs arbitration); and
  • Enforcement and Recovery.

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