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CAR Showroom: "Destructive Behaviour, teaching Design & Build through testing" by Anderson Inge

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CAR Showroom: "Destructive Behaviour, teaching Design & Build through testing" by Anderson Inge

  • 25 Gwydir Street #6 Cambridge CB12LG UK (map)

Cambridge Architectural Research Limited Event

Anderson Inge will review 10 years of bespoke workshops developed for the Rural Studio, the AA, and the Ruskin School, seminar programs which have enabled student teams to design & build public works of significant scale. The workshops usually include the exciting aspect of testing - to - destruction, a vital way for young architects to predict how innovative architectural designs will actually perform.

Drinks from 5.30pm, Talk at 6.00pm.

1.5 CES Credits

Register by Tuesday, 19 April, email:

Image courtesy: Timothy Hursley