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AIA International Region Conference: Toronto

Triangulate in Toronto

Second Annual Conference of the AIA International Region

Locating, connecting, and organizing our global architectural community to inform, inspire, and involve.

Join us in one of the world’s most cosmopolitan urban settings as we gather the leaders of our global organization for a long week- end of stimulating discussions sparked by presentations from prominent leaders in design and environmental awareness. Tour impressive architectural and urban design developments and enjoy a gala dinner at which the winners of the 2016 AIA International Region Design Awards program will be announced.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • ILLYA AZAROFF, AIA - +lab architect PLLC
  • KAI-UWE BERGMANN, AIA, RIBA - Bjarke Ingels Group
  • JOSH CHAIKEN, AIA Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
  • JENNIFER KEESMAAT - Chief Planner & Executive Director, City of Toronto
  • JASON McLENNAN - McLennan Design; Living Building Institute
  • DANIEL NALL, PE, FAIA, FASHRAE, LEED FELLOW, BEMP, HBDP - Regional Director, High Performance Solutions, Syska Hennessy Group
  • BING THOM, CM, FRAIC, AIA - Bing Thom Architects
  • ABHAY WADHWA - AWA Lighting Designers
  • SPECIAL GUEST: THOMAS V. VONIER, FAIA American Institute of Architects 2016 First Vice President/2017 President