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Talk: Walk on air – Brighton’s new Vertical Promenade Pier

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Talk: Walk on air – Brighton’s new Vertical Promenade Pier

  • RIBA 66 Portland Place London, England, W1B 1NR United Kingdom (map)

A new 162 metre, 21st century vertical pier has risen where the burnt out husk of Brighton’s West Pier met the promenade. Architecture and engineering have conjoined to create an astonishing feat of innovative design, engineering and technology. Hear the story behind its 12 year journey from its Architect-entrepreneurs and Chief Engineer.

The world’s tallest moving observation tower gently lifts 200 people to a height of 138 meters, offering slowly unfolding 360-degree views over Brighton and Hove, the South Downs, the South Coast and the Channel. Officially the world’s most slender tower, David Marks and Julia Barfield of Marks Barfield Architects and Dr John Roberts of Jacobs will explain the thinking behind its concept and ground-breaking, design, engineering and construction.  

In 1996 the same team reinvented the Ferris wheel, focusing on the passenger experience – the result was the London Eye. British Airways i360 has redesigned and refined the same experience resulting in a visually much lighter capsule that pushes the limits of the possible. Its purpose is simply to delight, entertain and inspire, however if it has the same regenerative benefits in Brighton as the London Eye did on the south Bank, so much the better.
A canapés and drinks reception, open to all attendees, will follow the lecture.


The lecture is a joint RIBA, IStructE, AIA UK event.

1.5 CES Credits are available.

Admission is free but spaces are limited.